Saturday, January 06, 2007


Much has happened in the past ten days. I began cleaning the garage with seriousness, contacting Mike Keefer in the process about the few dozen 20th Century Fox acetates I bought. Maybe the deal with Biondi - name of a Hillside Strangler - wasn’t such a bad one, found it came with about a dozen blues/jazz albums from Capitol/Decca etc. Now if I could just locate the Fox acetates I couldn’t find when Mike called back, I’d be in business.

Work proceeds nimbly on my blues book, reached Curtis Griffin, super interesting guy who filled in a lot of blanks. Will continue contacting folks.

Miracle alert: cable guy showed, after checking inside connections, did what I asked and picture did improve, proving that cable guy of years past was half ass.

Meanwhile, went to the Starks for New Years, had okay time with Tee-M (he was amazed we saw James Brown in '65) and them, got happy with screwdrivers, Ms. Megablogger almost burned down house with sloppy popper handling near a candle, think it sort of freaked them. Then we left. Mike mentioned hangover and fire last time I saw him, so I guess that was a big deal. Paulette mentioned back problem, a shame.

New Year’s Day, confronted cops over taking a shot of broken down hydraulic car at Clark & Conant – cop actually took one shot, not the one that was used. Watched football that day, good games.

Cutting thru the day to day stuff, which is important – like showing up a paper to get very little, but had a time with some stuff downtown. Jay bounced the cop shot story, thinking of dropping my workload to just scanner stuff, but stories continue to roll in, like one today, so what’s a reporter to do?

On Wednesday (& Friday), began riding bike again for about 45 min a day. Not fast, very slow, but I do it.

Two days ago, Valerie from Celebrity Home Delivery in Midway City called from 714 360-1987, wanting me to designate them as recipient of my shopping largess, asked her how much goes to feed homeless…4% she said, 96% to overhead…amazing, told Jay, not too interested…I think it’s a great story.

Friday, Ms. Megablogger went out, came back and started pitching me on a brand new old idea, get a dog. She had found one at Pitchford and convinced me to go in to take a look – a Jack Russell for $75 plus $30 for shots/medical work, plus, plus. Saw the dog, agreed to it, so now we get a dog on Monday. I decided on the name: Annie. After my mom’s real name, the real name of a dog lover deluxe.
Did show today. Tony Allen called, didn’t show.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas (or why I'll never use Charter bundled services)

On Thurs, went to Smooths where Ryan S. was giving a party. Fun time, a beer, some wine, margarita later, had spoken with Randy S., who was there with his 'crackhead' girlfriend, whom I correctly IDed, much to Ms. Megablogger 's chagrin.

Then found out through Ryan that Ron P. had inherited mucho records which he never bothered to tell me about, even tho he knew he owed me for Xmas book several years ago. So we got into and it wasn't pretty. He was evasive and cute and I called him on it and he didn't like that. We left at about 8:30; Ryan told me party went on to 3:30 a.m.!!! - guess we're getting old - and Ron stayed to 2;30 - obviously he's not.

We told them to come by here next Thursday - Ron, Ryan, Randy - we'll see if anyone shows.

Next day, there was a bad police involved shooting downtown very near where we were - 2 cops almost got killed...but didn't. Big reward and huge search for shooter. Listened to it for hours on the scanner.

Friday, it was Jay's house in Pk. Estates. Classy place, drank rum & eggnog, ate ham & baby lobster, had grrreat time. As Jay's wife works for PD, she wasn't home, called out on the shooting. We met Alexa and Bryon and few others, left at about 8:30 - that's our life. Marchal and family, Cindy and family, guy named Gordon who used to work at Platterpus and some others were there and we all talked. It was of interest, but didn't change my life. Ms. Megablogger drove up, I drove home, got lost in Pk. Estates! That can't happen.
rday, I tried to resume my walks.

Sunday, hardly watched football at all. Both days, I did write. Decided to call Charter about bad signal and the follwing happened: -----------------------------------------------------------Shortly after 10 a.m. today, I spoke to Mel at a customer service position, who transferred my call to another line for a service appt. without telling me in advance. After I gave my info. to Ryan, only then did he tell me he was hi-speed internet - why had I called him? Mel sent me there, he didn't I.D. himself coming in. He transferred me to Raymond, who when I asked him if I had the right dept., answered "yeah." I asked him if he thought "yes" might be more professional, and he answered "yes" in a very exaggerated and patronizing way. I asked to speak to a supervisor. Raymond put me on hold, 15 minutes later I figured out I'd be on hold all day, but knowing you probably had call centers all over the U.S., there'd be no way to trace him back. Finally, I had to hang up, and reach a very professional Claudia in TX, who seemed to work at the same level as Mel, who couldn’t schedule an appt., yet Claudia could. Claudia’s supervisor Margarita confirmed my fears: Raymond doesn't have to worry, if someone wants to complain, he just presses hold and forgets about it. Only the customer has the problem and Charter doesn't get a bundled account, as at least Verizon offers a more professional level of customer service, even in their office in India. Think about it, call me back if you figure out who Raymond is as I'll probably be writing about this...and your response will perhaps temper my sarcasm. At least Margarita told me to go here, that all calls are recorded and my call with Raymond is on record. I hope you do the work to figure out who Raymond is, he’s not a good rep for the company…and you can tell him I said so. In all honesty, when I found out through Jason in Wisconsin that the bundled account is $124.99 ($102.99 is just a bait and switch - my word, not his - I mean promotional price), you were priced out of the market anyhow...way more than I pay Verizon for phone and Internet access. And Jason isn’t empowered to negotiate a better rate. I don’t see the motivation to go with you guys, and tho I don’t like Verizon, I might well go with them, if and when, they offer cable access, just because of startingly poor Charter customer service. Please pay attention. Thanks and Merry Christmas…I mean Happy Holidays…I noted your employees have to say the latter and not the for

When I sent in the text, got back message that the email was down. Charter will never know.

Today, figured out the rates: $58 for cable, $30 for Internet, leaving the cost of phone at about $37 – some deal...way over my current Verizon bill. Charter does the following: Claims local programming, but one is w/ deceased lady pitching a tire shop, others are sales jobs made to look like local programming. Should I go ahead with this?

Monday was Christmas. Shea got up at about 11, opened presents for an hour. Brian had stayed the night before and we had good time, waited for Opal & Ellen, who showed up at about 4:30 or 5. Everyone else had gone to Amy's, thank God we didn't. We ate ham & the trimmings, had some drinks, talked a lot, didn't listen to records much, Brian left for El Cajon at about 8, got there at about 9:30 - world record time. By then O&E had left.

Tuesday, Mel Alexander called. Had gumbo he wanted to share. Heather called from DK, and after we spoke about presents, she reminded us of some she'd given Ms. Megablogger when we were in NJ, which she got and we liked, after Heather hung up. Later, I went over to Bach pkng lot, saw records an old hippie now turned Jesus freak brought, then waited for gumbo. Opal & Ellen called that night, but couldn't work out time to share gumbo, either us or them would be busy, forced to eat it today - wow! Crab legs & all.

Thursday, Ron, Randy, Ryan, we hope.

Firday, Opal & Ellen go to Chinese buffet.

Rain last night, windy today. Trees falling everywhere, don't know when it will stop. Oh my.

That is all.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

my contribution to Books By Authors or why did they publish this?

I arrived in Long Beach, a very callow youth of 11 with no clue…about anything. What I found out was that guys of my age, who grew up together in Naples, on the Shore, the Heights, Downtown or any of the neighborhoods that Long Beach wrought were in the in-crowd. Leaving me little elbow room for social progress.

Maybe that’s why my parents sent me to a ballroom dancing class at a studio on Redondo at Seventh St. My most cogent memory was of one of the male dancers walking through a glass door, not dance steps.

My mouth got me in the most trouble. My first day at Jefferson Jr. High School was tense. Over the summer, a student accidentally shot and killed another, and some were waiting for the shooter. He never showed. I had a few friends on the block, Ricky & Ronnie, Nick and John, rich in kids my age. Then we moved. I was used to that, having been born in Berkeley, moving to Missoula, MT, Arcadia, Long Beach.

Junior high was a blur: juvie cops in the shower room waiting to bust John (no last name), seeing Tony (no last name) smoking weed and seriously bloody fights. Wilson High was car clubs, fraternities and one black student, an exchange student from Africa. I got my first job as a page at the Carnegie Library. Assigned to shelve kids books at the McArthur branch, I went to a City College football game instead, was snitched on, fired at the start of a page career path.

Much has happened in the intervening 40 plus years. Even so, pages still get crap assignments and I’m convinced a select few still go to football games on weekend nights. We’re part of that path.

solving three major social problems in 3 easy steps...

1. Prison overcrowding & too many criminals...

Legalize & federally control all drugs - ala alcohol.

2. Homelessness...

Convert millions of containers now being stacked near the harbor.

3. Gridlock...

Totally free public transit.

Of course, truly solving these problems would mean many specialists and experts - cops, guards, rehab folks, social workers, traffic cops, freeway and traffic engineers would be out of a job...but the savings would more than offset their at negative economic impact.


Since Thanksgiving, we've been taking it easy. The cold I got went away rather handily, but now I'm getting more symptoms, so, shit!

In very late Nov. , went to record show - found some good things with Mark & then Randy Fried never ever lets you down. That week, I decided to write a book on the easiest part of L.A. music history, namely, country blues. I've been making really good progress and having fun doing it, listening to 45s and wailin'!!!

We went to 5th Dist. Xmas tree lighting and on Nov. 27, went to sex molester community mtg. and helped Shea get word to PD about weirdo who bothered her.

Been to downtown cop shop twice, once on Dec. 4 media meeting with chief and Dec. 14 to get printed and background checked for PD Academy that starts Feb. 7.

We've been slated for party-time, 7 of them from this weekend to Xmas - Gene Kinsey's this past Friday and Bernie's Hannakuh potato fry yesterday. Gene's was okay, nothing special, met Barry Cohen who might be able to rescue my old c-drive and some other folk, one of whom - arrogant sort from the UK - whom I pissed off...then there was arrogant Dave, an economics teacher.

Met Gene's mom, Pam and her dad were there, buncho Gene's friends and Pam's black neice who showed up at Bernie's. Had some wine, not dangerous amounts, both times.
At Bernie's drank wine, ate less, talked with Ed about Ash Grove days - he's doing a movie - Blues Bob, his wife Carol, blind blues singer Duane and his woman, saw Terry DeRoune as we were leaving and Mike Berry, who turned me on to Larry Lynt - now there's a possibly explosive story there about early "Dylan" songs - can't tell the story now, but it's huge!

Today: book event at Elm & 3rd - found out I'm published in new Books by Authors, Barb's open house - might not go - Dale's. Thursday, something at Smooths, Friday, Jay's. Hope cold stays gone.

Friday, November 24, 2006


A few days after the concert at the Hop, I came down with a fairly bad cold, caught...guess where? Since that time, I've hardly been out of the house, and when I did, it was to look at records or to put $$$ in the bank, or check the library.

Started feeling better little by little, so early this week, I could make a stab at going out or having fun. Decided against it...days and nights are cool, then cold.

Yesterday, Thanksgiving at Barb's. Not really much fun or many people - her family, Lanie, Dennis, Brian, Ruth and usn's were all...very low key and prayerful. So I came home early, using the cold as cover...too bad when the lame-ass excuse is really true.

Brian spent the nite, we downed Wild Turkey and had a pretty good ol' time.

Monday, November 13, 2006

goodbye to Huggy Boy

During the past couple of weeks, we've pretty much been catching up on stuff. After coming home and not getting a promised package of CDs from Ace, I emailed there - guy had forgotten and got them to me ASAP, I must say, so I will.

Again, we had a bad plumbing stoppage, so Rick came by with his snake. Extending it all the way to the end, he figured the sewer was the blockage, so I called in the big guns. Huge water dept. truck showed up with some nice guys who tried to use an industrial snake from Stearnlee, then found out there's a crick in the sewer under Susan's, so they brought a giant hose and dislodged the blockage. Well done!!! That's what I call service, let's hope it solves the prob.

Final Sunday of Oct. was OC Record Show, got some more good 45s, all in all, successful day. Hung with Cooprider, Noriega, Goodale, etc. had fun as usual. Saw about the whole Sun 45 line.

Prior to the first Saturday of Nov., I contected Lonnie Cook to pick up a 45 Gary P. had accidentally sold him. Finally, I arranged to meet him at his storage unit on Lakewood near Rosecrans. He has about 9 boxes of 45s, so we made a deal - $30 - for about 6 45s - after I noticed condition, I paid too much.

I had called the W-man to shut down and I must say, he didn't take it really well. I had spoken to Rick earlier about the dire situation in the garage, so he came over to give a look and make some ideas...which he did. Prefab shelves, at $54 per, at COSTCO. While Rick was here, W-man & Irv stopped by, we made chit-chat, then he went into record room to do the shutting down. After that was accomplished, he picked up the MAC and off he went, nary a so long, it's been nice, or goodbye, which it wasn't after all. Too much music leaking out all day. He's still hung up on offspring o'metablogger.

On Monday, met with Rick at COSTCO and bought 6 shelves, $300. That evening, he and his friend David came by and working hours into dark installing...but a great product. Gives me a chance to clean garage, little by very little. Opened box belonging to Mr. Wonderful - hot rod mags, architectural photos, etc. Lots of fun in smelly garage, dealing with record & other boxes...oh boy, hour or so a day...not to rush.

During week, I'm walking every other day to P.V., will increase to daily.

This weekend was more inspiring than last. Saturday, not much after 45s show, just rested until we gave Shea Baby a 35th bday party. Rick came by, we drank a little, at Von's chicken, watched her open cards & gifts, ate ice cream and watched COPS on TV. Real exciting, gotta say.

Sunday, after morning walk, TV football, watched Chargers come from long way back, more excitement. Mid day, I went on a record contact and found a very clean Gene Vincent LP for $2, so that was more than worthwhile. Then I went home and waited...

At 4, Huggy Boy benefit concert. Even tho it was to raise $$ for her, Sandy let us in back door. I did spend $10 on Huggy CD later...also got really good Hollywood Saxons CD from Joe Lewis. Saw Jewel, didn't see him perform, Brenton, ditto, Max Uballez, Leon Hughes, more, Ronnie & Esther Sanchez - he doesn't look well at all, Al A - he never looks well, Lane Q et al, Mike Stark showed. Big fun like party.

We met Marilyn & Gary P., hung with Brian Beirne, saw show producer Ruben Molina and other entertainers...annoyed by overly loud MC Mr. Duran, who after 3 very long songs by a band, he brought up Tony Allen to sing 2 songs (Nite Owl - For Your Love), we danced, Tony Allen hung with us on & off, drinking, then came the Premiers - (Farmer John, Duffy's Blues) - good, then Tony Valdez took over as MC, more relaxed, less frantic, into Heartbreakers (We Belong Together, Leavin It All, Cradle Rock) in tuxes - very good, Ohio Express - huh? (many songs, too many), scraping bubble gum off shoes, saw Al Wilson (What'd I Say, For Your Love, the Snake), Cannibal - no Headhunters (Linda Lu & LTD), Eddie Daniels - no Platters (Lucille, You Send Me), Donnie Brooks (Whole Lotta Shakin' - Mission Bell) - in pain, but very good, Pat Vegas - no Lolly (Redbone) blues (Come & Get Your Love) - perfect, dance floor packed, Tempts tribute act, good singers ("remember when we recorded My Girl?" me: no.) to Zapata, a comic, which meant we had to go. Except for a few acts (Ohio, Tempts), I was running around like a schoolgirl snapping digital shots, must have 20 plus.

Drank two beer minimum, had onion rings.

In parking lot, I told Ms. Megablogger "somebody stole our 89 Volvo" - all new SUVs in luxury cars in lot. What happened was somebody stole my brain, wrong slot in lot. Great fun.

That night, Kim Fowley called out of the blue. We'll be doing a radio show in future.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Shea home

Dave G. picked us up at airport, drove Ms. Megablogger home, then came to get me, halfway to Clark on Wardlow. We crashed, in bed that is.

Next day, Shea came in with her scar and great attitude, so we jelled throughout the day, me watching football, BBQued in p.m., then watched game 2. That's about it. Then Dave brought over Sylv's carryon which had been in his truck all day.


The return trip on Sat. was a JetBlue of a different color. Because of the lengthy wait at the JFK runway, and the ensuring darkness, I felt like I was with about 100 other passengers in a well-appointed torpedo with digital TV aimed at Long Beach.

It began about 1 p.m., when Heather, Ms. Megablogger and I - driving - left HP on our 1 1/2 hour journey to JFK. Scenic part was Coney Island and other treats Queens offers up on a windy and clear day, unlike Friday, which had pounding rain, downed trees and weather warnings. We got to JFK Jet Blue terminal at about 2:30 p.m., and once I got used to the sun bleached UPC scanner that wasn't even turned on, we went to what we thought was the departure lounger in the big JB bldg. Not so easy.

First, as at LB, Ms. Megablogger got the full TSA treatment. The water and bottle agent told us the goods were the right size in the zip lock bag, but the bag was too big. What? Coincidence. Shoe shine guy across the way just happened to have bags of the right size for .25 cents. Wasn't gouging. Later I forgot I had a similar package I neglected to declare and nary an inspector noticed my totally illegal, immoral and powerfully menacing oversized zip lock baggie.

Doubtless they were more preoccupied with the even more dangerous Ms. Megablogger - "bring her luggage over here," barked the female agent who wanded her down, then promptly forgot about her.

We were directed to gate 21, but no one bothered to tell us it wasn't at the terminal. Had I not noticed, we would've relaxed waited for the announcement and probably forgotten the flight. Anyone with a gate higher than 18 should be prepared to go thru another pass check, then out of the terminal through a back door, onto a standing room only shuttle across a parking lot, into some improvised buildings where gate 21 awaited. A Jetblue guy was on the bus to help us, those people who were getting exasperated.

Told by Jetblue employee, these buildings are called the Trailer Park. He also suggested the A train as a way of coming in from NY. Waiting in the park, were called up around 4 for our 4:30, so there wasn't that much time to spare.

Onto the torpedo. Watched the World Series, Cards beat the Tigers 7-2 just as Bluebird landed at LGB for a quick turnaround to Boston, the Beantown crowd waiting in the crowded passenger assembly and pat-down room. Hello LB, goodbye darkened flying. Crew was great, pilot skilled, Without you, we'd just be flying some TVs around the country. Believe it.

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Friday, October 20, 2006

NYC Pt 2

It had to happen. After a fine night at a street fair, Chinese dinner, listening to street music and more last night, this morning I woke to a disgruntled Heather telling us that tho we had picked up her and family at LAX in past, didn't matter, she was told to check out shuttle. We never put her through that, then she claimed that she never agreed to return us.


We since solved it, but it got heated. That's all we needed, what with Shea's condition still a problem. So that's how it is.
